Ruth Goveia has performed and taught at Indiana University and Albion College and has held senior faculty teaching positions at universities in Pretoria, Durban and Bloemfontein in South Africa. Ruth has been featured as the concerto soloist with major South African orchestras and as recitalist and chamber musician for South African radio and television. Her main recital performances include: the Musica Viva Performance Series in Illinois and the Artur Balsam Chamber Music Project at Wabash in Indiana as well as recitals at Kalamazoo College, Albion College, and Western Michigan University. She has also done performance tours in Ohio, Kentucky and Georgia.
She has adjudicated for South African International and National Piano Competitions and currently serves as juror for state and local competitions in Michigan.
Her foremost piano mentors include the late Edmund Battersby as well as Béla Siki, Frank Weinstock, and Nils Kayser. She received chamber music training from cellist Micu Szigeti and violist Peter Kamnitzer (La Salle Quartet) with more informal but esteemed coaching from Jean-Louis Hagenauer, Miriam Fried, Mauricio Fuks, Isabella Stengel, and last but certainly not least, the late Steven de Groote and Dorothy DeLay.
Ms. Goveia holds a doctorate in piano from the Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University-Bloomington; a masters in piano from the College-Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati; a bachelors in music education from the Odeion School of Music, University of the Free State (South Africa) and a Performers Licentiate Diploma (LRSM) in Piano Performance from the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music in the UK.