SIP Proposal Form A copy of your submission will be emailed to SIP Coordinator Chris Ludwa and your Advisor. SIP Proposal Form Name * Required First Last K Email * Required Permission * Required I have received permission from my SIP Advisor, below, to proceed with this SIP SIP Advisor * RequiredEmail of SIP Advisor * Required SIP Category * Required Recital-Based Performance SIP Production/Composition SIP Research-Based SIP Other SIP This field is hidden when viewing the formRecitalUntitled I have studied at least four quarters at K in the appropriate discipline Units One Unit Two Units Performance QuarterIn which quarter will the final performance take place?Double Lessons I will enroll for double lessons during the duration of my SIP have read and understand I have read and understand all additional requirements and deadlines listed in this document, including securing collaborators, a pre-hearing faculty panel, and space This field is hidden when viewing the formProduction/CompositionUntitled I have studied at least four quarters at K in the appropriate discipline Untitled I am enrolled in or have taken Music Theory 1 Units One Unit Two Units Performance QuarterIn which quarter will the final performance/presentation take place?Does this project involve a performance by a major ensemble? Yes No Letter of SupportMax. file size: 5 MB.Please attach a letter of support from the ensemble directorDouble Lessons I will enroll for double lessons during the duration of my SIP have read and understand I have read and understand all additional requirements and deadlines listed in this document, including securing collaborators, a pre-hearing faculty panel, and space This field is hidden when viewing the formResearchUnits One Unit Two Units QuarterIn which quarter(s) will you register your SIP?This field is hidden when viewing the formOther SIPUnits One Unit Two Units QuarterIn which quarter(s) will you register your SIP?DocumentationSubmit attached documentation (or explain how you will demonstrate) the requisite skill needed to pursue this projectMax. file size: 5 MB.Title of SIP * RequiredBrief Synopsis of SIP * Required(e.g. proposed repertoire, style/medium of original composition, area of research, etc.)Student Signature * RequiredThis field is hidden when viewing the formSIP Coordinator SignatureThis field is hidden when viewing the formSIP Coordinator Email Δ