How do I reserve a room or the Recital Hall?
All students need to visit Book a Room and complete the form for reserving a room. If you have questions or need help, please contact Marissa Klee-Peregon, Fine Arts Coordinator- 269.337.7050 or To reserve the auditoriums for events or rehearsals, please contact Susan Lawrence, Event Coordinator – 269-337-7070 or For more information visit the room reservations page.
Does the Music Department have someone who records performances?
Music department ensembles, faculty and SIPs are recorded by the Music Department, and are available for purchase. Music students who wish to have a recital recorded that is not a SIP should contact our recording engineer, Doug Decker, to make arrangements and confirm the cost of the recording.
How can I purchase Music Department recordings?
Recordings may be ordered and purchased through the Music Department Office. CD’s are $10.00 for a one disc recording and $15.00 for a two disc recording, payable at the time of the order or purchase. For more information visit our merchandise purchase page.
Does Kalamazoo College have instruments to loan?
A limited number of school-owned string, wind, brass, and percussion instruments are available for loan. There is no cost to rent, but you are responsible for any loss or damage incurred. Visit the instrument storage, repair, and load page for more details.
Where can I store my instrument?
Kalamazoo College students have the option to use student instrument lockers. Learn more by visiting instrument storage, repair, and load.
Where do I go to get my instrument repaired?
There are a few local businesses you can contact if your instrument is in need of repair. View the list on instrument storage, repair, and load.
Where do I find the practice rooms and when are they open?
Practice Rooms During the Pandemic
Please note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, practice rooms may not be available at the times listed below. Please contact Marissa Klee-Peregon at for more information.
Practice rooms are located in the lower level of the Fine Arts Building.
During weekdays, the building doors are open between 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Your student key card gets you in the building from 5:00 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. on weekdays, and from 7:30 a.m. until 1 a.m. on weekends.
You do not need to sign up for a practice room. They are available on a first come, first served basis.
Are there any great concerts off-campus?
Kalamazoo has excellent professional music organizations presenting on our campus and throughout Kalamazoo. Student tickets are generally between $5 – $7 per event. We encourage you to burst the K bubble and inform your own music-making by attending inspiring performances. For a list of particularly venerable presenting organizations see off-campus concerts.